The year 2020 was supposed to be full of new adventures and exciting changes. Instead, we got slapped in the face with the coronavirus and teaching people how to wash their hands. Not only that, but everyone had the urge to buy every single paper product and for those who actually need it, we’re out of luck. A lot of people have been urged to stay indoors and more have been confined to their homes. Although we haven’t been as of yet, I wanted to bring you a few ways on how to stay busy while stuck at home. There are quite a bit more ideas then you would think. I’d love to know down below which is your go-to.

*Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links. If you buy something through one of those links, you won’t pay a penny more, BUT I will receive a small commission, which helps keep the blog going and my coffee cup full. Thanks, friends!
Get Outdoors
Nothing is better than getting outdoors and spending time in nature. Breathe in that fresh air and help your kiddos get their wiggles out. The air in your home is filled with toxins and the outside air is much better for you. Get out and enjoy some vitamin D and soak in some time with your family. A few ideas are:
- Take hikes
- Turn the sprinkler on in the backyard
- Go swimming
- Do yardwork
- Go to a park
Game Night
There is nothing I like better than pulling out some board games and having fun with my family. My favorites are Monopoly, Yahtzee, and Uno. This is a great way to pass the time and have fun as well. We played Pictionary last night and had so many laughs that we forgot about everything happening outside. A few other options are:
Indoor Obstacle Course
I don’t know about your kids, but mine love making obstacle courses and forts. Brooklynn has taken a big liking to American Ninja Warrior, and always has a great time. Grab some pillows, blankets and couch cushions and make a fun course in your home for your kiddos to make and recreate all over again. We also have one of those tunnels that they climb through and have a blast with. Here are a few other options I’ve found.

Ball Pit Tunnel | Sprinkle and Splash | Galaxy Dome Tent | Ninja Warrior Course
Cleaning & Organizing
There is no better time to give your home a good cleaning than now. We aren’t too worried but are always taking extra precautions when we go out and making sure we’re good to go when we come home. I will be sharing more of my spring cleaning in a couple of weeks, so keep an eye out for that. But in the meantime, you can head over to my cleaning category to find helpful printables on how to get your home nice and clean! What ways are you keeping your family and your home clean during this scary time? A few of the ways we are keeping clean is:
- Frequent hand washing
- Wipe down surfaces throughout the day
- Cleaning the toilets twice a day
- Wiping down light switches and outlets daily

Cleaning out your computer
We all have those old emails and unsorted photos hanging out on our computers. This is the perfect time to get that organized! I know I have quite a few that need to go in the proper location. The way I get my photos organized is by creating tons of folders, and I pin my most used ones to the sidebar. I’ve started saving my photos by the year they were taken which is really helpful. A few good apps to use when cleaning it out is:
Baking & Fun Snacks
This is probably mine and my kiddos favorite option! When I was at the store, I made sure to stock up on a few fun items that we can make during this time and since my daughter is on spring break, it will be a great way to keep the kiddos busy. Here are a few ideas I have in mind for baking at home:
- Cupcakes
- Banana Bread
- Cookies
- Churro Toffee
For fun snacks, I love the idea of apples, peanut butter, and raisins to make little lilypads with bugs on them. I think it is adorable!! Here are a few other great options I found on Pinterest:
Learning Tools
We officially got the call that all schools in our area are closed for two weeks. It’s already spring break so we’ve got an extra week on top of that (pray for me and send the wine). While my daughter is home, I am going to need something to keep her smart brain thinking, so I have found a few options for you guys. We do have a few workbooks here at the house already, but these would be fun too:
There you have it, my how to stay busy while stuck at home post! I had a blast putting this together, and I hope it helps you out. One more tip for you is if you can’t find toilet paper because obviously that is the cure, is to cut up rags and use those and just toss into the wash after! We’re not too worried since we have some leftover and we’ll be fine for a while, but just in case, it’s a great alternative.