Moving your family can be hard, and it’s even harder when it’s to a new state. You are away from family and friends and have to learn all about this new place you are living in. I hope These 3 Tips for Relocating Your Family to a New State will help give you some guidance and tips for the big move.

Family photo with my husband, son, and daughter

When we opted for a relocation to a new state, it was quite the ordeal, with quite a few things to consider. Not only did we have to start fresh in a brand new place, but we had to leave behind all of our family and friends. We had to navigate a town that was unfamiliar and a bit intimidating (can you say scorpions?!). Having no connections and knowing nothing about the area can be hard. But the second I stepped off of that plane, I knew we were ‘Home’. It’s definitely a ‘New Place, Same Me’ scenario. I am excited to share my 3 tips for relocating your family to a new state. Let me know down below if you’ve had to do this, or are thinking about it.

Make New Connections

There is something so exciting and nerve-wracking about starting your life in a new place. A fresh start, a fresh location, and all new possibilities. We’ve made new friends, found new places to explore as a family (check out the Adventure section to see where we’ve been so far) and we’ve grown closer than we’ve ever been. It’s always an adventure when we visit a place we haven’t been to before. We get immersed in the culture, and we learn new ways to spend time as a family.

A big tip for you would be to join a couple of Facebook groups in your area that shares new places to go, mom groups to join, and ones that answer any questions you may have.

Realize What’s Important

It’s so different when you have no family nearby because you have to rely on and depend on each other so much more. We can’t just drop the kiddos at grandma’s and go on a date. We have to either find a sitter or enjoy more dates with our kids. I love the fact that we have to rely on each other so much more than we ever did.

You really start to take things for granted when it’s all you know. Since we arrived, alone time doesn’t happen that often. Make sure to make that a priority, plus it will get the kiddos around new friends that they will grow up with.

Reevaluate Yourself

But one thing is for sure, I didn’t change. I am the same old hot mess mama that I was before the move. I’ve just really had to redirect my priorities to find out what matters the most. For a while, I was being sucked into the vortex of “Me, Me, Me” and my family seemed to get pushed aside. But I’m happy to say I’ve figured out the root cause of that and things are so much better now. We have all grown since we’ve arrived, and it’s so fun watching the kiddos come into their own and start figuring out who they want to be.

I wanted to say thank you for stopping by my blog and reading my story. If you have been here for a while, you know how much we are loving Arizona. I am so excited for what’s to come with this and can’t wait to take you along.

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3 Tips for Relocating Your Family to a New State

Thanks so much for stopping by and checking out Kelsey Farley! If you get inspired to organize your pantry and use these steps, I’d love to see it! Share your experience on Instagram with the hashtag #kelseyfarleyblog and tag me @kelsey.farley so I can follow along and share your photos on my page/stories. Make sure you subscribe before you leave so you can snag your FREE Weekly Meal Planner. I hope it inspires you to take control of making dinner for your family and make sure to tag me when you use it! I love you guys, and I’ll talk to you soon.

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