Self-love tips for moms can be a tricky subject. Today, I will share my tried and true ways to practice self-love habits with quotes, techniques, and affirmations. I hope it brings some clarity and hope and shows how to practice self-love.

Self-Love Tips for Moms

*Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links. If you buy something through one of those links, you won’t pay a penny more, BUT I will receive a small commission, which helps keep the blog going and my coffee cup full. Thanks, friends!

Self-love has never come easy to me. Ever since I was little, I have always had a stomach. My inner thighs make me very self-conscious. And don’t even get me started on leg hair.

It is literally the worst.

Since having my daughter, I have dealt with postpartum depression, anxiety, ADHD and inner family comments too so it has taken me a very long time to love who I see in the mirror.

This past January, I started the 75 Hard Challenge and completed it. Not only did that turn my thinking around when it comes to diet culture, but it also taught me that I am beautiful and perfect just the way I am. I hope to share with you today some tips on how to practice self-love (and believe it), and I truly hope you benefit from this. Let me know down below how you practice self-love.

Self-Love Tips for Moms

How To Practice Self-Love (And Believe It)

Quit Dieting

First and foremost, you have to quit dieting. There is no way you are going to learn to love yourself if you keep treating it like a side hustle. You know, the ones you go full throttle on in the beginning, but once you see you haven’t been making lots of money like they said you would, you quit. You quit because you aren’t happy with the results that aren’t coming fast enough.

And I know what you are thinking: Diets work! How can she say that?

No, they don’t.

They will only ever work for a short amount of time before you are back to square one feeling even worse about yourself than before.

Just stop.

Read Books

Next, you are going to find a couple of books that will help you with this mindset. I have listed a couple that I found on Amazon that look like they will truly help with your mindset on loving you for you.

Self-Love Tips for Moms

Listen to Podcasts

Podcasts are always an easy way for me to soak in information while I drive, clean my house or go for a walk. I listen to quite a few different types, especially ones about blogging, but I’ve found a few body positivity ones and know you will love them too.

Which podcasts do you enjoy listening to? Let me know down below.

Detox From Social Media

Social media is one of the worst places you can go when you are trying to love yourself. It only shows the pretty pictures and never behind the scenes, flaws or imperfections. Here are a couple of tips on how to detox your social media:

  • Unfollow any and all feeds that make you feel like trash. the ones that make you wish you were a size 2 and had a Pinterest-worthy home. Unfollow them all.
  • Find like-minded accounts that make you feel amazing about yourself, or of people looking to accomplish the same things as you.
  • Delete the apps for a few days and fill your cup up with love, self-healing, and a good book.

These will help you tremendously. I do this every so often when I realize I’m following people because I wish I looked like them or had their life. That is self-toxic behavior and you need to quit that right now!

Take Some Time For You

While you are detoxing from social media perfection, find some things to do that make you feel amazing. I have a few things I do when I want to reflect and spend time on myself. My kiddos take up a lot of that mental space, so when I can take some time only for me, I take full advantage. Here are my favorite ways:

  • Pedicure
  • Large coffee from a local coffee shop and sit with a book
  • Take long, slow strolls around Target
  • Find a new outfit or bating suit that makes me feel amazing

This suit is from Amazon and I got it as a gift. It makes me feel beautiful, sexy and pulls me out of my comfort zone. This is me, knowing my worth, knowing my beauty comes from within and knowing I’m the fierce leopard I was always meant to be! I did go up a size for the bottoms so keep in mind that might need to happen. The top is medium and the bottoms are large.

Find Motivational Quotes

Pinterest is the best place for this. Just type in the kind of motivational quote you are looking for and save them to your board, print them out and tape them to your mirror or keep them in your car. I’m a very visual person, so this works really well for me. I have a whole board saved if you are wanting some good inspiration.

Give Yourself Time

Last but not least, give yourself time. Time to get reintroduced to this perfect body God gave you. To know He gave it to you for a reason, and I know my reason is to help women, just like you, realize their value lies in yourself. You are worthy, my friend. Reread this post as many times as you need to get some inspiration and know that you are loved.

Pin to Your Favorite Pinterest Board

Hover over the image below to pin it, and come pin with me!

How To Practice Self-Love (And Believe It)

Thanks so much for stopping by and checking out Kelsey Farley! If you have certain self-love practices I’d love to hear about them. Share your experience on Instagram with hashtag #kelseyfarleyblog and tag me @kelseycfarley so I can follow along and share your photos on my page/stories. Make sure you subscribe before you leave so you can snag your FREE Daily Plan Tracker. I hope it inspires you to take control of your day and make sure to tag me when you use it! I love you guys, and I’ll talk to you soon.

Xoxo, Kelsey

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  1. This is so beautiful! I love the tip around taking a social media break! So important!

  2. Love the tip to find a swimsuit or outfit that makes you feel fierce and confident! 🥰

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