Are you needing to set up your week for productivity and success? Does a fresh week make you stressed and overwhelmed? Today I am sharing how to set your intentions for the week ahead by giving you simple weekly planning ideas to keep you organized and motivated.
Potential is always bigger than the problem. Your potential is infinite and is always bigger than whatever problem you’re going through.
Michael Bernard Beckwith
*Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links. If you buy something through one of those links, you won’t pay a penny more, BUT I will receive a small commission, which helps keep the blog going and my coffee cup full. Thanks, friends!
First Things First
Before I get started, I always pour myself a nice cup of coffee. I love my Ninja Coffee Bar and a few of you have asked which one I have. Mine is the old model but I found a newer one for you that comes WITH A FROTHER ATTACHED! Once I’ve got that all set up and ready to go, and a load of laundry started I will gather my planner, phone, and any printables I will be needing.
My number one printable I use is my daily/weekly cleaning checklist. This helps me keep track of the tasks I need to complete throughout the day, and reminds me of things I may have forgotten about. Next, I will grab my weekly meals sheet so I can jot down what we’re having that week. I get this mapped out on Saturday’s before I go grocery shopping, but I finalize it on Monday’s. Last but not least, I grab my Daily Plan and To-Do List printables and write down all the tasks I need to get done that day. These are my tried and true printables and they help keep me in line. I’d love to have you download them for FREE so we can get our week started off strong together!
Home Keeping Planner
This has got to be my favorite item I use when planning my days and week. This keeps my family’s schedule, reminds me of my editorial calendar, and gives me a good space to write down thoughts I have throughout the day. I am head over heels about this planner, you guys! I have always struggled to use a one because it never had everything I needed; finally, it is all in one spot. I teamed up with PurpleTrail to offer all of you a discount!! Their products are such high quality, and you can even choose what month you want to start on! You can also add up to 4 extra tabs into your planner. For me, I added:
- Notes
- To Do List
- Shopping List
- Habits
They also have budget, fitness and so many more! I can’t speak enough about this planner. And if you follow my link to their site, you can use coupon code KISSES at checkout for 15% off your order! My planner is the meal planning option but their mom planners are amazing too!
Power Hour
On days that I don’t feel very motivated to get things done, I will implement a power hour. This way I know I’ll get a solid hour of cleaning and pick up done, and you’d be surprised at what you can accomplish during that time. I will make a list, start my timer on either my phone or my google home, and get started. The focus isn’t putting everything away, because this is a quick pick up. I will grab a laundry basket and put everything in there that needs to be sorted so that I can tackle it later on.
There you have it, my intentional planning day is complete. I have only recently started doing this, and I’m so glad I did. Setting aside some time to focus on the things I need to complete that day and week really takes a lot of the stress off my plate. I really hope this gave you some inspiration on how to set your intentions for the week. I’d love to know down below if this is something you practice. Do you enjoy posts like this, that motivate you at the start of the week?
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Thanks so much for stopping by and checking out Kelsey Farley! If you implement a planning day in your home I’d love to hear about it. Share your experience on Instagram with hashtag #kelseyfarleyblog and tag me @kelseycfarley so I can follow along and share your photos on my page/stories. Make sure you subscribe before you leave so you can snag your FREE Daily Plan Tracker. I hope it inspires you to take control of your day and make sure to tag me when you use it! I love you guys, and I’ll talk to you soon.