My journey with anxiety and depression is deep. Like, 7 years deep of constant pressure, doubt, sadness, and pain. But its also been 7 years of discovery, breakthroughs, and relief. Not only have I been through the lowest of lows, but I have also felt higher than ever before. To learn more about my journey, you can read all about it in my Dealing with Motherhood and Stress post. One thing that has helped, aside from my medication, has been Essential Oils. Now there is quite a bit of speculation around them, and I completely understand they are not for everyone. I am just sharing my story and how they have helped me when I needed it the most. I am excited to share my favorite essential oils for anxiety, and hopefully offer some guidance for those struggling too and not knowing where to turn.

*Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links. If you buy something through one of those links, you won’t pay a penny more, BUT I will receive a small commission, which helps keep the blog going and my coffee cup full. Thanks, friends!

First off, if you are struggling with anxiety and depression, talk to someone. I thought I could keep it bottled up and fix it on my own. Notice I used the word fix when I was talking about my issues. My therapist told me I don’t have anything to fix because I’m not a project that needs to be adjusted. I had to come to the realization that I didn’t have to carry this completely on my shoulders, and that there were people out there fighting the same battle. I would much rather open up about what I am dealing with and hopefully offer some relief for someone, thinking they are some awful disease that needs to be cured. No, you are not a project or a disease. And you are not alone.

When I felt I was at my very bottom and had more bad days than good, I decided to give essential oils for anxiety, a try. My very good friend Orie introduced me to Young Living and I ordered my starter kit with the sole intention of only using it for my anxiety. But man, did it change my mindset in so many other ways. I will share more of the other uses later on down the road, so keep an eye out for that.

Rollerball Blends

The very first thing I did when I got that kit in the mail, was created my very first blend called “Liquid Xanax”. I keep this in my purse, bedside table and car so that I can bring it out whenever I am struggling. I like to pull it out especially when I’m driving through parking lots or when my kiddos are asking for chocolate milk 80 times a day. The second thing I did was order a set of empty rollerballs so I could make different blends. And of course, Brooklynn wanted to make some of her own too, so she now has her own collection and can use them whenever she needs to.

Liquid Xanax

  • 50 drops Lavender
  • 30 drops Stress Away
  • 35 drops Valor
  • 15 drops Patchouli
  • 15 drops Vetiver

Grab a 15-ml rollerball bottle(you can find the ones I use and love up above) and add your drops. Finish it with a carrier oil and apply to the bottoms of feet, wrists, behind ears and chest, and rub in. Also, when it’s really hard just grab it and inhale deeply. I do that quite often, and when I created mine I didn’t have vetiver or patchouli, so I used the others and it works perfectly. Also, I received a couple of beautiful oil carrier bags from Dani’s Designs which hold my rollers and bottles all in one spot. I can easily throw it in my purse and take it with me when I head out the door.


With the starter kit, you receive a diffuser as well. I chose the Desert Mist because it’s my favorite. But they do have other options you can upgrade to as well. I use it in our bedroom when my anxiety is really high and will diffuse Calm & Peace and Stress Away. It helps to relax me and help me fall asleep easier. I also enjoy listening to rain music or podcasts that are geared towards helping you fall asleep. When my anxiety is balanced, I use it in our kitchen and will diffuse energizing oils like Citrus Fresh and Peppermint. And in the evenings I will diffuse Stress away and lavender. There are so many different choices when it comes to diffuser blends, so definitely look into those as well.


Not only do the oils help with my anxiety, but eliminating harmful toxins from our home is a huge factor in helping. I get massive migraines, and the scents from all those products in our home make it ten times worse. When I take those out and replace them with the Thieves cleaner, my migraines are way less. I use the Thieves household cleaner for just about everything. Countertop spray, glass cleaner, laundry soap, carpet cleaner and Fruit and Veggie Wash. I was able to get rid of 7 products in our bathrooms and take it down to just one. It disinfects, doesn’t leave any streaks and smells heavenly. Now, I’m not a crunchy mom who needs everything organic, BUT if I can eliminate toxins in a small way, I will.

I am so happy I decided to give essential oils for anxiety a try. It was probably one of the best purchases I’ve made for my mental health. Besides the medication I take, these are the second-best items that I use. If this is something you feel you might be interested in, please reach out so we can chat. I want you to be able to feel some relief as well.

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