Do you struggle to keep your bathroom cabinets clutter-free? Looking for an easy solution to keep everything where it belongs? My organized bathroom drawers & cabinets have an easy to follow solution that is nice to look at AND budget-friendly!

One of my biggest pet peeves is trying to find something in our bathroom cabinets and having everything else fall down on top of me. JUST GIVE ME THE STRAIGHTENER, BRENDA!! We definitely fall prey to this super easy with two people, sometimes 4, occupying one space. I knew I needed to do something about it, and fast! So I headed to Target and Home Goods to see what I could find and I can’t wait to take you along with me. Organized Bathroom Drawers & Cabinets are a dream of mine, so wish me luck!
Bin Shopping at Target
When I headed into Target, I had an idea of what I wanted: cheap and hopefully in the dollar section. Well, the dollar section was a bust, but I did come away with some super inexpensive items that worked perfectly!

The price point for these was $1-$2 each, and they came in three different colors. You can find them in the bathroom section, and I love that they are so thick and durable. Getting organizing bins from the dollar tree is one of my favorites, but they usually break pretty easily, so it’s nice to have something that will stand up to mom-life. I also bought a few extra for our kitchen junk drawer (post coming soon) and they were perfect!! And at that price point, how can you beat it?!
Organizational Shopping at Home Goods
Next, I headed over to Home Goods. I was also shopping for items to organize under our kitchen sink, which you can check out in this post, so it was a great shopping trip! I spent $35 on everything for both the kitchen and our bathroom, and everything is still working so great! And that price is pretty dang good for the items I got.

The Process
I went ahead and pulled everything out from under the sink, wiped it down, and started sorting through everything. There were a few items that were no longer needed, and I honestly didn’t have much in there, to begin with, but it had no order to it and some things were just thrown in. After I got things sorted through and cleaned up, it was time to move my items back in. The brown shelf that I got from Home Goods fit perfectly inside, which was a relief. I hate buying a product I am needing for a space, just to come home and find out it doesn’t fit (this was the case under our kitchen sink, so thankfully I was able to use it in our bathroom).
The magazine racks that hold my hot tools, were from Target many moons ago, but you can find those anywhere. They are a great way to store your blow dryer and curling irons, and they look super cute too. The drawer system works so well to hold all my skincare and nail polish items. The top drawer does tend to pull all the way out, so just keep that in mind.
Organized Bathroom Drawers
After the under-sink area was complete, our drawers were next. My husband and I both have a drawer and then we have a third drawer that’s shared. His drawer needed to get under control, and the last few containers from Target worked perfectly in this space. He now has a spot for all his necessities AND he knows where everything goes. It really helped relieve some stress when trying to jam everything into that space.
The Result
I absolutely love how this area turned out. It fits all of our needs and looks pretty too. Do you have an area in your home that you are struggling to keep organized? I would love to know down in the comments. And feel free to ask me any questions you may have about your space!

I hope you found some help with our Organized Bathroom Drawers & Cabinets. I can’t wait to see yours, so make sure and tag me in your photos!

Thanks so much for stopping by and checking out Kelsey Farley! If you have tried this method for organizing your bathroom cabinets, I’d love to hear about it. Share your experience on Instagram with hashtag #kelseyfarleyblog and tag me @kelseycfarley so I can follow along and share your photos on my page/stories. Make sure you subscribe before you leave so you can snag your FREE Daily Plan Tracker. I hope it inspires you to take control of your day and make sure to tag me when you use it! I love you guys, and I’ll talk to you soon.