Do you struggle with keeping your home clean, especially during the morning? Looking for ways to make it easier and to help your day run smoother? This life-changing morning routine will be sure to get you back on track and help keep you there.

Washing the dishes

If you know me, you know how badly I’ve struggled with keeping our home clean and picked up. With two kiddos mixed with strong anxiety, it does not blend well and I end up neglecting everything. I knew I had to get on top of my duties as a SAHM, but I had no idea where to begin. Once I started implementing my Life-Changing Morning Routine, it has completely turned my day around.

I had found the Fly Lady System and was following that for a while, but of course, I struggled. When I get in too deep with something, I will pull back and quit, plain and simple. But alas, the house was still looking like a scene from The Walking Dead. I started following A Bowl Full of Lemons on IG and fell in love with what she does. The sights and sounds of her home inspired me to want the same for mine. The way she cares for her home and still has time left for her family was really enlightening for me. I decided to start thinking like her and what she would do, and my morning (and evening) routine was born.

Now when I go to start my day, I am excited to get my tasks complete and no longer feel bad when I sit and rest. I know I can breathe freely knowing our home and kiddos are taken care of. If you are looking for a morning routine, then keep reading.


When I get up in the mornings, I head to the kitchen to make my coffee. After that, I will lay out my towels for the day, and begin unloading the dishwasher immediately. After I am done, I will check to see if there are any ‘husband dishes’, you know, the ones he leaves out after having cereal and a bowl of chips at 11 PM. This is my catapult chore, and once I’ve completed this, it gets me excited to complete the rest of my Life-Changing Morning Routine.

Open dishwasher with dishes inside

Make Our Bed

I used to only make my bed if my mother was coming over, but there is just something about the way a made bed makes the whole room look put together. This task is one I love because I look at it as art. I like my throw pillows a certain way and my comforter (ours is a few years old, but I think we got it at Walmart) folded down and beautiful. After I’ve finished making our bed, I spray linen spray on it to help freshen up the room. This then helps get me into picking up the clothes and toys from the previous night and ‘resetting’ our bedroom to its former glory.


We have a laundry basket in our room, and every morning I take what’s in there and bring it to our laundry room, where we have a divided basket. I will divide the clothes up to their proper bin and get a load going, whichever bin is the fullest. Here are the categories:

  • Ours
  • Kiddos
  • Towels/Jeans

The other categories like sheets and blankets are for a different day and don’t have space in our laundry room. But once I get that first load of the day in, it feels awesome!! Plus, I’ve gotten my laundry routine down to one, maybe two loads a day. I officially stopped doing laundry on the weekends, so I focus my laundry tasks on the weekdays.

Clutter Check

Next, I head into our movie room, front room, and living room and just do a quick clutter check. I usually get the bulk of it picked up the night before, but you always happen to miss something. The kids’ toys and things that belong upstairs go into my upstairs basket and that stays in the same spot. I love our rope basket and take that with me when I head upstairs.


Once the first floor is finished, I take my basket and I head upstairs. I first check the kids’ bathroom and pick up anything that doesn’t belong or wipe up toothpaste spills. Next, I check both the kids’ rooms and get my son’s bed made and laundry picked up. Then I look into the playroom and reset that room for a brand new day of play. I will have my daughter come make her bed, put her laundry away, and pick up some left out toys. She’s old enough now to truly know and understand and will(most of the time) do it without a fight. After that, I take a peek in my beauty room and just make sure nothing is out of place.

Then I’m done with my Life-Changing Morning Routine. I will wipe the counters and put dishes in the DW throughout the day, but for the most part, I am finished. Once the laundry stops, I get it switched over and a new load in. This is the time I will sit down at my computer and get some blog work done, and I love it. It has taken me a long time to find a routine that fits in with my mindset and one I am excited to accomplish. It’s also one that is flexible. If I am not home that morning, or riding a wave of anxiety, it can wait till later. I finally feel control over my home, not the other way around.

Do you have a certain routine you do that sets you up for success? If not, which part of mine do you think you can welcome into your own home? I’d love to know if you struggle with the same things I do. Leave a comment down below and let’s connect.

Making the bed with black writing

Thanks so much for stopping by and checking out Kelsey Farley! If you give this morning routine a try I’d love to hear about it! Share your experience on Instagram with hashtag #kelseyfarleyblog and tag me @kelseycfarley so I can follow along and share your photos on my page/stories. Make sure you subscribe before you leave so you can snag your FREE Daily Plan Tracker. I hope it inspires you to take control of your day and make sure to tag me when you use it! I love you guys, and I’ll talk to you soon.

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