Looking for an amazing workout in Tucson, AZ? This 60-minute workout, through a combination of spin, strength, and yoga, will easily become your favorite. Work out with SPENGA Tucson and enjoy the thrill of Ride, Rep, and Revive.

When I first discovered SPENGA, I was instantly hooked. Since you change from workout to workout through 20-minute spurts, it makes the entire hour go by so quickly.

Now, almost 30 sessions in, I have truly come to love the staff, workouts, and the community. If you are looking for a way to get active in Tucson, AZ, I highly recommend SPENGA Tucson.

Workout with Spenga Tucson

About SPENGA Tucson

SPENGA Tucson is the best workout I’ve ever had.

  • First, 20 minutes spin- Huge caloric burn with very low impact to heat up your body and start shredding calories.
  • Second, 20 minutes strength training- Their instructors stay with you every step of the way to personalize the experience and make modifications.
  • Third, 20 minutes of yoga- Restores the body and allows for quicker recovery between workouts.

With all three full-body exercises broken up into 20-minute segments, I don’t get bored or burnt out as easily. And I know for a fact that I just did the best workout for myself.

Workout with Spenga Tucson

Starting with Spin

SPENGA kicks off with SPIN to immediately heat up the body and start shredding calories.

SPENGA spin sessions are based on Power. Power is a combination of how fast you are pedaling (RPMs) and how much resistance you have on the bike.

Let’s talk about your Sweet Spot:

  • Sweet Spot customizes your ride and determines your personal spin power training zones.
  • Sweet Spot is calculated by your performance and the amount of power you generate.
  • SPENGA’s training zones combine aerobic and anaerobic training to deliver a calorie torching result that continues for hours after your session.
  • SPENGA’s technology continues to evaluate your Sweet Spot & makes adjustments based on your performance.

All wording in this section is provided from the SPENGA website

Next We Head To Strength

When you increase your muscle mass, you boost your resting metabolism, and your body will burn more calories. SPENGA programs are backed by science and are ever-changing with innovative exercise selection to keep the body guessing and ensure that the workout is plateau-proof.

  • Programming is developed using a specific formula to ensure that each client increases lean muscle and continues torching calories
  • Their instructors stay with you every step of the way to personalize the experience, improve form, and to make any necessary modifications.
  • SPENGA’s multisensory experience offers space dedicated specifically to each element of the workout, invigorating aromatherapy and workouts fueled by energizing DJ-inspired playlists.

All wording in this section is provided from the SPENGA website

Workout pods along the wall

Finish With Yoga

Yoga is a great way to increase circulation, improve posture and alignment, and promote recovery.

And we only get stronger when we recover. Our Yoga programming addresses key components of health such as establishing breath-to-movement patterns, balance, strength, flexibility, and relaxation; most of which are missing from typical workouts. SPENGA is not your typical Yoga experience.

  • Yoga kicks off with strength driven poses to keep the body working. Since it is the last portion of the workout, the body is hot, fatigued, and will be challenged through different movements.
  • Next, we transition into deeper flexibility poses to start cooling the body down.
  • Yoga ends with a well-deserved recovery, where you’re encouraged to leave it all on the mat.

All wording in this section is provided from the SPENGA website

3 legged dog pose in yoga

“We believe strong bodies and minds are created through the power of ride, rep, revive.”


SPENGA Work Out Reviews

One of the best ways to gauge how incredible a workout studio is is by the reviews. these are just a couple of examples of how SPENGA has changed so many lives.

“SPENGA has made me excited to work out! I now look forward to working out instead of dreading it!!”

Joy H. | Seminole

“The instructors at SPENGA always push me a little further than I thought I could go. I get an amazing workout with great people & I’m feeling stronger every time I show up for myself!”

Meg S. | Nashua

“I love SPENGA. It is my favorite time of the day. I go in and after an intense workout come out fully charged and energetic.”

Rupali G. | Cary/Apex

“The world is a stressful place, especially right now. SPENGA is my happy place and helps me manage what I carry.”

Lisa M. | Oak Park

All reviews are provided by the SPENGA website

Workout with Spenga Tucson

SPENGA Trial Offer

Starting at a new fitness studio can be very intimidating, especially if you aren’t sure you will like it and are afraid they will charge you for your first class.

That’s the worst, right?

SPENGA is different because they offer your first class completely FREE. You don’t sign any contracts either or get sucked into paying for something you aren’t comfortable with.

If you sign up and love it but end up not being able to continue with it they just ask for 30-day notice. I signed up as an unlimited member and I have gone plenty to make it completely worth it. And I look forward to it every time.

You get to try your first class for free, and then after you have a minute to rest and they check how you liked it, they will chat with you about pricing.

SPENGA offers packages as well as membership rates which are as follows:

Monthly Packages

  • 10 pack of classes is $225
  • 20 pack of classes is $400
  • 30 pack of classes is $525


  • 4 times per month: $69
  • 8 times per month $119
  • Unlimited $139

They also offer drop-in rates at $30 per class if you are a non-member, and $17 if you are related to or know a SPENGA member. I highly recommend the unlimited.

Workout with Spenga Tucson

SPENGA Mobile App

One of the best perks of being a SPENGA member is access to their mobile app! On the app you can:

  • Schedule/Cancel classes
  • Rate your instructor
  • Request a song to play during your session
  • Track your progress
  • Log your spin bike settings
  • Update your body composition using their InBody machine (which is free to all members)

It also tracks how many sessions you’ve completed. And when you hit 100 sessions, there is a big celebration!!

Extras to Look Forward To

Besides an incredible workout, SPENGA also has a merch wall that has everything from water bottles, towels, and shirts to sweaters and beanies! And if you don’t feel comfortable bringing your things into the room with you, they also offer lockers so you can safely store your belongings until you are done.

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FAQ’s about SPENGA Tucson

Where is it located?

7621 N Oracle Rd Suite 150, Oro Valley, AZ 85704

What are the hours?

Monday: 4:30 AM–7 PM
Tuesday: 5 AM–7 PM
Wednesday: 4:30 AM–7 PM
Thursday: 5 AM–7 PM
Friday: 4:30 AM–5 PM
Saturday: 7 AM–12 PM
Sunday: 6:30 AM–12 PM

Is SPENGA a good workout?

SPENGA hits all parts of the body in this incredible 60-minute workout. You’ll leave feeling like you got a truly amazing session.

What does SPENGA stand for?


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Workout with Spenga Tucson

Welcome to Kelsey Farley and thanks so much for stopping by! If you have been to SPENGA before I’d love to hear about it. Share your experience on Instagram with hashtag #kelseyfarleyblog and tag me @kelsey.farley so I can follow along and share your photos on my page/stories. Make sure you subscribe before you leave so you can snag your FREE Daily Plan Tracker. I hope it inspires you to take control of your day and make sure to tag me when you use it! I love you guys, and I’ll talk to you soon.

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