Looking for a laundry routine that works? This post is full of ideas, inspiration, the best laundry routine products, and more. Stay tuned for a recipe for a DIY Scent Booster.

Now, don’t get me wrong, I don’t keep up with my laundry perfectly. But when I do, I feel so much better and my anxiety stays away a bit longer. I would love to know what your laundry routine is like. Let me know down below if this post was helpful.

White laundry room with white cabinets, brown counters and a basket on the ground w a towel hanging off of it

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How To Create The Best Laundry Routine

When creating a laundry routine that works best for you and your family, there are a couple of things you need to consider:

  • Number of people living in your home
  • How often you can devote time to doing laundry
  • Is it easy for you to access your machines, or do you need to take it to a laundromat

Once you have answered those questions, it’s as simple as getting started and seeing how easy you can complete this daunting task.

Another option would be to try out Laundry Day. You would gather every piece of laundry in your home and get it all done in one day. Seems very intimidating, and it works for a lot of people; just not me.

Pulling towels out of dryer

Best Smelling DIY Laundry Scent Booster

One of my favorite products to use during laundry is a delicious-smelling scent booster. But I find that they only last a week or so and then I’m out. AND they are about $15 a pop!

I decided to find a recipe to create my own, and I love it even more! The ingredients you will need are:

  • Epsom Salt
  • Baking Soda
  • Essential Oils
  • Large Jar

I have been using the same batch for about a month now and there is still a ton left to use. Enjoy this recipe to make your own at home! And make sure to tag me on Instagram so I can see!

Scent booster recipe!!

Glass jar filled with white powder with green and white towels in the background next to two oranges

DIY Laundry Scent Booster

The best and easiest DIY Laundry Scent Booster that will last you for months to come.


  • 6 lbs. Epsom Salt
  • 2 cups Baking Soda
  • 40 drops of Essential Oils
  • 1 Gallon Glass Jar


  1. Mix Epsom salt, baking soda, and essential oils in a large bowl.
  2. Add your essential oils of choice and give it a good stir.
  3. Scoop the mixture into your gallon glass jar and add a scoop.
  4. Add to your washing machine before your clothes and enjoy!


You can use any type of Epsom Salts you would like. I chose one in an orange scent.

One scoop is enough for a full load. You can add two if it is larger.

Laundry Routine That Works

Once you have created your laundry routine, it’s up to you to stick to it.

A rule of thumb for me is I can have laundry in the dryer the following morning so long as I do not have wet clothes in the washer. That is when I have to rewash the load again the next day. So I have chosen to move it over, however, I need to.

And if that means a load is in the basket to be folded the next day, then I feel like I am winning!

The Best Laundry Routine Products

I finally figured out which products work the best for our family. My favorite surprise was using distilled white vinegar as a laundry softener. I will never go back to regular softener again!

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FAQ About Laundry Routines

What is a good laundry routine?

Wash one load per day, try your best to separate, and basically do whatever will help keep the stress away. It looks different for everyone.

How often should you do laundry?

Shirts and blouses: after 1-2 wearings. Dress pants or slacks: after 2-3 wearings. Jeans: after 4-5 wearings. Sweaters: up to 6 wearings, if worn with an undershirt; 1-2 wearings if worn without an undershirt.

How often should you wash bedsheets?

Most people should wash their sheets once per week. If you don’t sleep on your mattress every day, you may be able to stretch this to once every two weeks or so. Some people should wash their sheets even more often than once a week.

Is it ok to do laundry once a week?

It turns out some items should be washed more often than once a week, while others can go longer between washes. Household linens, towels, and bedding should follow a standard timeline — sheets and pillowcases should be washed once a week, for example.

Laundry Routine Tips

Find laundry products that smell nice and make you happy. You won’t want to do laundry if you absolutely hate it.

Do one load a day. This way the piles will stay away just a little while longer.

Create a good system for your family laundry. Our kiddos both have a hamper and they bring it down whenever it is full. I will fold everything for them and then it is their job to put everything away.

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White washer with plants on top over a green and tan background with wording

Welcome to Kelsey Farley and thanks so much for stopping by! If you have a laundry routine I’d love to hear about it. Share your experience on Instagram with hashtag #kelseyfarleyblog and tag me @kelsey.farley so I can follow along and share your photos on my page/stories. Make sure you subscribe before you leave so you can snag your FREE Daily Plan Tracker. I hope it inspires you to take control of your day and make sure to tag me when you use it! I love you guys, and I’ll talk to you soon.

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