I can’t believe it is officially 2020! When I was a kid, years like this seemed so far away. I was convined we’d have flying cars and be able to teleport to far off places. But the closest we got was a space age type vehicle called a Tesla with wing like doors, and VSCO girls. None the less, a new year is the chance for so many new possibilities, and Healthy New Years Resolutions!

Having a healthy new years resolution

If you are like me, and 99% of the population, you make new years resolutions. For most people it’s to get healthy or save up for something they’ve always wanted. For me, I just want to be healthy and happy. That’s why this year I am not making resolutions, rather, choosing a word to sum up this new year. And for me, that word is ‘Healthy’. I’m so excited to share with you the many ways I intend to be healthy in the new year. I’d love to know what your Healthy New Years Resolutions are or word for the year is down below in the comments.

Healthy Body

Yes, everyone and their beautiful mother wants to be healthy in the new year. They buy a gym membership and new equipment, and they don’t end up using it (don’t look in our garage). For many years, this was always my drug of choice. I knew that with the new year, it meant I HAD to get healthy and have abs (I like food too much for that to ever happen). I thought that was all I could do to be healthy. But I’ve recently come to realize that being healthy isn’t always about going to the gym and trying to be something that I am obviously not meant to be. It also means eating a few more veggies, and getting water throughout the day. Maybe going for an evening walk with your family or playing catch with your kiddos. There are so many various options out there to try.

Having a healthy new years resolution

Healthy Mind

As many of you know, I have anxiety, as well as depression and suspected ADHD (still getting tested for that one), so my mind can be a hundred different places, and emotions, at once. If you’re new here, check out my 10 Things About Me post to read a bit more about myself. This year, I will really focus on my mental health and take action on ways to help it. Those include cleaning our home, having a strong relationship with my husband and being a nurturing and present mom to our kiddos. It is a daily struggle for me to get up out of bed, but I would rather be fighting that fight everyday, then not being there at all.

Having a healthy new years resolution

Healthy Family

Not only do I plan to get myself healthy, but also my family. We don’t have nearly enough healthy food options in our home, and we rarely get outside. Having a healthy family also means listening to one another and working together as a family and team. Less arguing (even though we rarely do) and more snuggles. Also, putting phones away and spending more quality time together.

Having a healthy new years resolution

Healthy Home

We send so much time all up in our heads and phones that we end up shutting each other out quite often. the kiddos end up getting rambunctious in our home which causes more messes and makes my anxiety act up. When we are more intentional with our kids, things go smoother with everyday activities. I intend to be more intentional with them, and actually spend time with them, then on Tik Tok (you can call me Boomer Mom, but never Karen). Ways to do that are playing a family game tonight, finishing dinner and heading out to the park for the evening or even snuggling up in bed reading books and listening to the massive wheels in their heads turn. Also, dedicating time during the day to focus on housework and laundry too. My favorite YouTuber for cleaning motivation is Faith and Flour, if you need some! That helps everyone feel more at home.

Having a healthy new years resolution

Healthy Relationships

My spiritual relationship with Jesus is a major relationship I want to nurture and be even healthier then it is now. This isn’t always easy, but I will do my best to put Him first. Our marriage is my favorite thing, like ever. But we deifntely have times when our needs aren’t met and we end up fighting over small things. My love language is acts of service and words of affirmation, and his is physical touch. Tapping into each others LL’s is such an important part of our marriage, and when those aren’t being met, you can definitely tell. Spending more time together is a definite part of making a marriage work. Also, the few friendships I have, that I cherish, need to be nurtured and cared for. I plan to reach out more and be more intentional about the time we spend together as well.

Having a healthy new years resolution

Do you have places in your life that could be stronger and healthier? What do you plan to accomplish in 2020? I can’t wait to hear all about it and get to know you all a bit better. I love reading your comments, so please comment down below and tell me about your Healthy New Years Resolutions.

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